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Чистяков Ф.Е., Суматохин С.В. Виртуальная реальность в образовании: за и против

Тип статьи: обзорная


Страницы: 13 – 16



Ф.Е. Чистяков,

аспирант МГПУ,

С.В. Суматохин,

доктор педагогических наук,

зав. кафедрой биологии и физиологии человека МГПУ,

е-mail: fedduk@yandex.ru


Ключевые слова: технологии, угрозы виртуальной реальности, виртуальная реальность в школе.


Аннотация статьи: В статье рассмотрены позитивные и негативные аспекты технологии виртуальной реальности с точки зрения воздействия на здоровье и психику человека, а также перспективы развития и применения технологии в современной школе.





Virtual reality in education: for and against



F. E. Chistyakov,

postgraduate student of Moscow state pedagogical University,

S.V. Sumatokhin,

doctor of pedagogical sciences,

Head of the Department of biology and human physiology Moscow state pedagogical University


It this article the positive and negative aspects of virtual reality technology were analyzed on how they can impact the health and psychological wellbeing of a person.



technology, virtual reality danger, virtual reality in school.



1.Hironori Akiduki, Suetaka Nishiike. Visual-vestibular conflict induced by virtual reality in humans.

2.Jessica L. Maples-Keller, Brian E. Bunnell, Sae-Jin Kim. The use of virtual reality technology in the treatment of anxiety and other psychiatric disorders.

3.Mi-Hyun Choi, Soo-Jeong Lee, Hyo-Sung Kim. Long-term Study of Simulator Sickness: Differences in Psychophysiological Responses due to Individual Sensitivity.

4.Neal E. Seymour, Anthony G. Gallagher. Virtual Reality Training Improves Operating Room Performance.

5.Nicco Reggente, Joey K.-Y. Essoe, Zahra M. Aghajan. Enhancing the Ecological Validity of fMRI Memory Research Using Virtual Reality.

6.Peng Wang, Peng Wu, Jun Wang, Hung-Lin Chi and Xiangyu Wang. A Critical Review of the Use of Virtual Reality in Construction Engineering Education and Training.

7.Promoting Relaxation Using Virtual Reality, Olfactory Interfaces and Wearable EEG

8.Ryan Tyrrell, Hilla Sarig‑Bahat, Katrina Williams, Grace Williams. Simulator sickness in patients with neck pain and vestibular pathology during virtual reality tasks.

9.Seizo Ohyama, Suetaka Nishiike, Hiroshi Watanabe. Autonomic responses during motion sickness induced by virtual reality.

10.Shailey Minocha, Steve Tilling, Ana-Despina Tudor. Role of Virtual Reality in Geography and Science Fieldwork Education.

11.Simon Parkin, The coming horror of virtual reality [Режим доступа: https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/the-coming-horror-of-virtual-reality]

12.Sooraj K Babu, Sooraj Krishna. Virtual reality learning environments for vocational education: A comparsion study with conventional instructional media on knowledge retention.

13.Stephen D. Sechler, Alejandro Lopez Valdes, Saskia M. Waechter. Virtual Reality Sound Localization Testing in Cochlear Implant Users.

14.Wexelblat Alan. Virtual reality. Application and explorations.

15.Чистяков Ф.Е., Суматохин С.В. Виртуальная реальность при обучении биологии // Биология в школе. – 2018. – № 8.
