Географическое образование в современном мире: по материалам Международного географического конгресса (IGC-2012)
Автор: О.А. Хлебосолова, доктор педагогических наук, Московский государственный областной университет, Н.В. Мунич, Киевский национальный университет E-mail:o.hlebosolоva@mail.ru |
Аннотация: Авторы рассказывают об основных направлениях работы симпозиума «География и школа», проводимого в рамках работы 32-го Международного Географического Конгресса в г. Кёльне (IGC-2012).
Ключевые слова: географическое образование, системное мышление, ключевые компетенции, коммуникации, «опыт путешествий», «обучение через исследование».
Страницы: 7 – 9
1. Bagoly-Simo, P. Climate Change in Geography Textbooks of International Selection. Sustainable Representations // 32nd International Geographical Congress: Book of Abstracts. 2012. p. 162.
2. Bednarz, S.W., Heffron, S., Huynh, N. Setting an Education Research Agenda in the Geographical Sciences // 32nd International Geographical Congress: Book of Abstracts. 2012. p. 159.
3. Boubaker, H.B., Mohamed, F., Michael, A. Education for Sustainable Environment in the Mediterranean // 32nd International Geographical Congress: Book of Abstracts. 2012. p. 162.
4. Czajkowski, K., Hedley, M.-L., Ensign, T. Detection of Urban Heat Island Using Student Observations and My World GIS // 32nd International Geographical Congress: Book of Abstracts. 2012. р. 172.
5. Geographical Education // 32nd International Geographical Congress: Book of Abstracts. J. Bendig, C. Butsch, M. Gnyp, H. Kretschmer, N.Tilly (Ed.). 2012. pp.159-188.
6. Mohan, A. Expanding Worldviews // 32nd International Geographical Congress: Book of Abstracts. 2012. p. 164.
7. Sneh, Y. Current Affairs Teaching Styles in College Geography Courses // 32nd International Geographical Congress: Book of Abstracts. 2012. p.166.
8. Palmer, A., Palmer, R. Understanding the Changing Planet: Online spatial tools tell powerful stories // 32nd International Geographical Congress: Book of Abstracts. 2012. p. 173.
9. Schuler, S., RieЯ, W. Fostering Systems Thinking in Education for Sustainable Development // 32nd International Geographical Congress: Book of Abstracts. 2012. p. 161.
10. Thakur, A., Srivastava, S. Environmental Education Overview and Challenges: A Case Study of Schools in Mumbai // 32nd International Geographical Congress: Book of Abstracts. 2012. p. 164.
11. Ziliotto, S. Best Practices about Education for Sustainable Development in Nursery and Primary School // 32nd International Geographical Congress: Book of Abstracts. 2012. p. 160.
Geographical education in the modern world: on materials of the International geographical congress (IGC-2012)
O.A.Hlebosolova, doctor of pedagogical sciences,
Moscow state regional university,
N. V. Munich, Kiev national university
Summary: Authors tell about the main directions of work of a symposium "Geography and school", the 32nd International Geographical Congress carried out within work in Cologne (IGC-2012).
Keywords: geographical education, system thinking, key competences, communications, "experience of travel", "training through research".
Pages: 7 – 9
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